Different Factory supports MyCollego

Different Factory as sponsor of the MyCollego project, between Educational Robotics and Science.

On 16 and 17 March, the ten members of the MyCollego team will fly to Salerno for the national finals of the First Lego League Robotics Olympics! If they win, the chance to qualify for the world finals in Huston, Texas.

The kids have already been protagonists of the Veneto regional final of the Olympics, bringing home the victory in the competition in Rovereto. Today, they are training to face the best Italian teams in robotics and STEM.

The aim of the project is to bring science and educational robotics to the students of the Istituto Comprensivo Bosco Chiesanuova in Verona. The initiative is the idea of professor and architect Emanuele Milani and has been running for ten years.

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